Ken Rimple

BizCast #1 – Sean Blanda of

I had a great conversation with TechnicallyPhilly’s Sean Blanda last week. We talked about how the Philly IT scene is still lively, and about how he and his two compadres Brian James Kirk and Christopher Wink gather and write up news on their lively and informative website. Technically Philly covered our Philadelphia Emerging Tech show … Read More

TechCast #35 – A few beers with Chariot’s Open Source Integration Experts

Last week I had the pleasure of hosting a roundtable chat over drinks with four of our integration experts.  I wanted to discuss some of the issues facing companies today, including how to approach integration projects, and when to use technologies like SOA ESB platforms. My guests were: Rod Biresch Tom Purcell Roberto Rojas Steve … Read More

TechCast #34 – James Ward on Flex 4, Flash Builder, and more

Today’s guest is James Ward, of Adobe Systems.  James is a technology evangelist on Flex and AIR solutions for Adobe.  We talked about the upcoming Flex 4.0 SDK, Flash Builder (the new name for Flex Builder) and other topics such as remoting, AMF and various implementations of the AMF format. This is a good podcast … Read More

TechCast #33 – Peter Muir from JBoss on JSR-299 (JCDI) and the WebBeans RI

JSR-299, the API formerly known as WebBeans, is a Java-based configuration and dependency injection system for the Java EE platform.  In fact, the JSR has been renamed as such with the short name JCDI, and the original title ‘webbeans’ went to the reference implementation, which is being led by my guest, Pete Muir of Redhat/JBoss. … Read More

TechCast #32 – Grails discussion with Brent Baxter and Gordon Dickens

Grails is a convention over configuration web framework, written in the Groovy dynamic language and based on the widely adopted Spring and Hibernate frameworks.  In this TechCast, I sit down with Chariot’s Gordon Dickens and Brent Baxter and discuss the relative merits of developing applications on the platform. We talk about the Groovy language, the … Read More

TechCast #31 – ETE 2009 Keynote – RedHat’s Michael Tiemann – Exonovation

This podcast episode is a recording of Michael Tiemann’s keynote presentation from the 2009 Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise Conference.  Michael is RedHat’s VP of Open Source Affairs, and has a  long history in working on open source projects.  He is the president of the “Open Source Initiative,” and has served as the CTO of … Read More

TechCast #30 – Interview with’s Anthony Casalena (and sponsorship announcement)

I had been listening to Leo Laporte’s tremendous This Week in Tech (or MacBreak Weekly) podcast, and found out about from the show. The crew was raving about how easy it was to use to publish web content, and how it blew away WordPress in terms of productivity. So I set up a free … Read More

TechCast #29 – Manning Authors Forum with Dan Allen, John Resig, David Black

On today’s show, we feature the Manning author’s Q&A  forum.  Marjan Bace is the co-founder of Manning Publications, which publishes books on a wide variety of technical topics. Last year at ETE, Marjan assembled the web framework shootout (if interested…  part 1, part 2).  This year Chariot asked him to assemble an author’s forum, where … Read More

TechCast #28 – Sonatype’s Jason Van Zyl on Maven, OSGi and Tycho

Today’s show is a recording of the Philly Emerging Tech session by Jason Van Zyl, of Sonatype.  Jason is the creator of Maven, a java build tool that works using a set of conventions and plugins. This talk focuses on the current challenges in building OSGi based modular applications using Maven, and how the Tycho … Read More

TechCast #27 – Blue State Digital Jascha Franklin Hodge on Obama Social Media Campaign

One of the highlights of the 2009 Philadelphia Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise Conference was our afternoon keynote from Jascha Franklin Hodge, from Blue State Digital. Mr. Franklin Hodge cut his social media teeth working on the Howard Dean campaign.  Blue State Digital built and managed the Barack Obama campaign website, which provided news, email … Read More