Ken Rimple

Chariot demonstrates iPhone Application to monitor tc Server performance

Real-time performance insight application will be on display during SpringOne 2GX. We at Chariot have been working on an iPhone application to monitor Java EE application servers. Dubbed “ServerMonitor,” the application can connect to an application server and monitor various aspects of the system. This week we are demonstrating integration with tc Server at SpringOne/2GX … Read More

TechCast #42 – Chariot’s Eric Snyder on Apache CouchDB

Chariot’s Eric Snyder works in both Java, Spring-based applications as well as with dynamic platforms such as Ruby on Rails.  He brought CouchDB to our attention earlier this year, and we thought we’d share some information about it with our listeners.  Apache CouchDB is a RESTful web-centric document-based database system written in Erlang.  It can … Read More

Chariot TechCast #42 – Couch DB

Up this week we have Chariot’s Eric Snyder, a consultant with a background in traditional Java/Spring as well as dynamic platforms such as Ruby/Rails and Python. Here is a quick teaser. You can download the full episode here.

TechCast #41 – Andres Almiray on Groovy Griffon, THE Swing UI Framework

Our guest on this episode is Andres Almiray, key contributor to the Groovy Griffon project at CodeHaus.  Griffon is an MVC framework and application development platform for building Swing-based applications, and can be configured to execute Applets, Java Applications and Web Start projects. Andres talks about the Griffon MVC framework, plugins, Addons, event dispatching, and … Read More

TechCast #40 – A roundtable discussion with the Open Solutions Alliance

Disclosure:  Chariot is an integration partner with the OSA. Panelists Nick Halsey – Marketing and Product Management at JasperSoft Debbie Moynahan – Community management and marketing for Fuse Open Source @ Progress SW Deb Woods – Product management at Ingres Anthony Gold – President of Open Solutions Alliance and board member of Blue Nog, CEO … Read More

Training and Mentoring before the age of Google

Ah, I can remember it like it was yesterday. I’m 40 now, but in my mid 20’s, I was one of those “wiz-kids” at the dawn of Client Server. When BitNet and BBSes were the norm and the “Internet” was usually accessed using UseNet net news and a dialup modem. In those years, my now-Chariot … Read More

New Screencast Online – JBoss Operations Network setup

We’ve just uploaded a screencast by Aaron Mulder on the JBoss Operations Network (or JON) to our website. JON monitors application servers and machines, and can control JBoss servers. You may view the screencast by clicking the link below: Click to Play Screencast (new window)

TechCast #39 – Jon Kern and Corey Haines on Agile, Software Craftsmanship

A discussion with Jon Kern and Corey Haines about Agile, Pair Programming, Software Craftsmanship, and more. Show Notes: Corey Haines – Pair Programming Tour – Jon Kern’s web site, Technical Debt.  Here is a recent post on metrics (with links to Corey’s video)  to measure quality July ’09 Software Craftsmanship – the movement … Read More

TechCast #38 – Rob Harrop on Spring dm Server and OSGi

Rob Harrop is the lead engineer on SpringSource dm Server, and is a key contributor at SpringSource.  He co-authored Pro Spring, a seminal work in helping developer understand how to best use the Spring Framework. In this podcast, I talk to Rob about OSGi and the Spring dm Server.  We discuss the state of OSGi … Read More

TechCast #37 – Alex Miller on Java Concurrency

Our interview with Alex Miller focused on his work on Java Concurrency and also on Terracotta, the clustering technology which replicates graphs of Java objects between multiple Java virtual machines. Developers working in environments needing high concurrency should definitely review the most recent Java Concurrency API. Here are links to some of the topics we … Read More