
Design Thinking Crash Course: Journal My Health

Design Thinking Design Thinking is a popular design methodology that cycles through five stages to provide solutions to complex and unknown problems. At a high level, following the system will enable you to achieve the best solutions by understanding your users’ needs, redefining the problems in a human-centered perspective, thinking of lots of possible solutions, creating an approach to easily test the ideas, and then testing them. The kicker is this can be a linear process, but it probably shouldn’t…

Three Approaches to Deploying Lambdas

“Traditional” deployment patterns separate the application from its infrastructure. Lambda deployments turn this model on its head, binding the infrastructure tightly to the running code. This can be a challenge, especially when developing in a team: it is all too easy for one developer to accidentally overwrite another’s work. In this post I look at several deployment options, and how they impact a development team.

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