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DevNews #99 – Docker vulnerabilities, saying hello to Java 9 and farewell to Windows server 2003

Today we welcome Jeff Labonski on the show to discuss this week’s developer news. User group announcements: Philly PostgreSQL Meetup on June 4th – Replication Slots: The Game Changer I will be Speaking at the Scotch Plains Java User Group (of the ACGNJ) – Tuesday June 9th, 7:30PM – about ES6 now Wednesday June 17 – Philly New Tech meetup Saturday June 20th LibertyJS Conference – Impact Hub Philadelphia Tuesday June 23 – Don Coleman will be running a Bluetooth…

DevNews #98 – The scoop: Selerity scoops Twitter earnings, prankster scoops Fiorina’s domain name

DevNews is nearing its 100th episode! We may or may not have something up our sleeves to celebrate our ripe old age… but until then, listen as Joel and I discuss: Oops, Carly Fiorina – someone registered your domain name before you did – criticism by domain name Angular 2.0 getting started guides now available for ES5, Dart, Typescript How Selerity scooped Twitter earnings Microsoft Visual Studio Code – lightweight code editor + debugging, supports windows, linux, mac Google Prediction…

DevNews #97 – Day 1 of Philly ETE 2015

Annnnnnd ETE begins! Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise is Chariot’s annual tech conference for developers, by developers. To kick off our coverage, I sat down with two of our consultants, Michael Pigg and Sujan Kapadia, to discuss our day, talk about talks, and geek out about all the cool new toys we can’t wait to play with. We discuss… Some of our favorite talks of the day Breaking Keyboard Cat, ECMAscript 6, and where JavaScript is heading TC39 – biological…

TechCast #88 – ETE Speaker Mike Hartington Talks Swift, Ionic, and more

Ionic is a cordova-based mobile application development framework. Using AngularJS as the core web framework, sass for CSS simplification, and the ngCordova library, Ionic makes building cross-device applications easier. We talked to Mike about Drifty’s earlier tools such as Codiqa, how they came up with Ionic, and about its use of Angular and other technologies. Mike will be a speaker at Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise. Learn more about this developer-friendly, Chariot-sponsored conference here. We talk to Mike about: His…

TechCast #87 – ETE Speaker Colin Eberhardt Talks Swift & Reactive Cocoa

Colin Eberhardt is a 2015 Philly Emerging Tech speaker who will address Swift and ReactiveCocoa. Swift debuted last year as a replacement developer language for Objective-C on apple’s platforms. ReactiveCococa is a framework developed by GitHub to handle any kind of asynchronous activity in the Cocoa platform. Colin makes the case that while Swift is a good leap forward for the language, investing time in learning ReactiveCocoa can bring even more productivity and rewards in a unified way to handle…

TechCast #86 – Monica Beckwith and Jamie Allen on Java Performance Tuning

On the show today, Java Performance tuning expert Monica Beckwith. Monica worked at Sun and Oracle as a performance engineer, and contributed a lot of optimizations and tuning advice to the JDK Hotspot team. She is an Performance Tuning consultant today, working on advising clients on how to best balance aspects such as throughput, latency, memory and disk management and a number of other concerns. Typesafe’s Jamie Allen and I talked to Monica before Philly Emerging Tech about what goes…

TechCast #85 – Interview with 2015 ETE Keynote Tom Igoe on Physical Computing

In TechCast 85, we talk to Tom Igoe, one of Philly ETE’s 2015 Keynoters. Tom is an associate arts professor at NYU in their Interactive Telecommunications Program, and talks to us about the program itself, physical computing, and the Arduino, a board that he was instrumental in getting founded back in 2005.

DevNews #96 – ng-conf 2015 – day 1 recap – Angular 2, 1.4 and more

Salt Lake City, Utah, is a beautiful place to have a conference. The organizers must realize that, as they planned ski trips and other events all around the show. That said, I’ve been locked up in my hotel room for the most part digesting what I’ve learned in Day 1. There is a live stream of the conference, and the YouTube videos are coming quickly, but I figured I’d devote two quick DevNews episodes to a first-person recap.

DevNews #95 – We talk about new AWS services, Angular JS 2.0 surfaces, and the Apple Car is a thing?

In this episode, we talk about Waitr and Protractor, two Jasmine WebDriver APIs, Angular 2.0 surfaces, we talk about Apple’s self-driving car, and discuss a bunch of new Amazon AWS features including Cloud Trail for Route53 and health checks. Stay to the end for our silly Apple Car jokes.

DevNews #94 – The triumphant return (again) – Windows all over the place, Chrome 41 beta, Raspberry Pi and more

We talk about the Raspberry Pi quad-core Windows-capable $35 computer, Windows everywhere, Chrome 41 beta and its march to ECMAScript 6, and much more. Also we give you a preview of Philly ETE – an amazing conference – now in early bird registration for just $410.

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