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TechCast #41 – Andres Almiray on Groovy Griffon, THE Swing UI Framework

Our guest on this episode is Andres Almiray, key contributor to the Groovy Griffon project at CodeHaus.  Griffon is an MVC framework and application development platform for building Swing-based applications, and can be configured to execute Applets, Java Applications and Web Start projects. Andres talks about the Griffon MVC framework, plugins, Addons, event dispatching, and a lot more. Resources Griffon home http://griffon.codehaus.org Griffon Mailing Lists The Grails project, the starting point for the core of Griffon The Griffon TeamAndres Almiray…

TechCast #40 – A roundtable discussion with the Open Solutions Alliance

Disclosure:  Chariot is an integration partner with the OSA. Panelists Nick Halsey – Marketing and Product Management at JasperSoft Debbie Moynahan – Community management and marketing for Fuse Open Source @ Progress SW Deb Woods – Product management at Ingres Anthony Gold – President of Open Solutions Alliance and board member of Blue Nog, CEO of Healthy Humans Resources White paper:  Open Source Consolidation in the Data Warehouse Market Obama’s Open Source for America initiative. OSA Datasheet Interop Datasheet 2009…

TechCast #39 – Jon Kern and Corey Haines on Agile, Software Craftsmanship

A discussion with Jon Kern and Corey Haines about Agile, Pair Programming, Software Craftsmanship, and more. Show Notes: Corey Haines – Pair Programming Tour – http://programmingtour.blogspot.com/ Jon Kern’s web site, Technical Debt.  Here is a recent post on metrics (with links to Corey’s video)  to measure quality July ’09 http://technicaldebt.com/archives/2009_07.html Software Craftsmanship – the movement website – http://manifesto.softwarecraftsmanship.org/ Robert C. Martin – “Uncle Bob” – http://blog.objectmentor.com/articles/category/uncle-bobs-blatherings Interesting comment from JB Rainsberger on the law of Speed -vs- Quality http://www.jbrains.ca/permalink/218 On…

TechCast #38 – Rob Harrop on Spring dm Server and OSGi

Rob Harrop is the lead engineer on SpringSource dm Server, and is a key contributor at SpringSource.  He co-authored Pro Spring, a seminal work in helping developer understand how to best use the Spring Framework. In this podcast, I talk to Rob about OSGi and the Spring dm Server.  We discuss the state of OSGi development, how it differs from traditional web-based Spring application development, and recent advancements in the technology. We also briefly discuss the recent merger announcement with…

TechCast #37 – Alex Miller on Java Concurrency

Our interview with Alex Miller focused on his work on Java Concurrency and also on Terracotta, the clustering technology which replicates graphs of Java objects between multiple Java virtual machines. Developers working in environments needing high concurrency should definitely review the most recent Java Concurrency API. Here are links to some of the topics we spoke about: Alex’s DZone Core Java Concurrency Refcard is located here and is a good start for researching the Java 6 concurrency features. Of particular…

BizCast #1 – Sean Blanda of TechnicallyPhilly.com

I had a great conversation with TechnicallyPhilly’s Sean Blanda last week. We talked about how the Philly IT scene is still lively, and about how he and his two compadres Brian James Kirk and Christopher Wink gather and write up news on their lively and informative website. Technically Philly covered our Philadelphia Emerging Tech show in the spring. Someone who bikes a lot on the trails in Philly (we have a lot of good road biking trails here) wrote an…

TechCast #35 – A few beers with Chariot’s Open Source Integration Experts

Last week I had the pleasure of hosting a roundtable chat over drinks with four of our integration experts.  I wanted to discuss some of the issues facing companies today, including how to approach integration projects, and when to use technologies like SOA ESB platforms. My guests were: Rod Biresch Tom Purcell Roberto Rojas Steve Smith You can read their blogs by visiting their links on Chariot’s Bloggers Page. We had some interesting discussions around open source tools. Key Topics:…

TechCast #34 – James Ward on Flex 4, Flash Builder, and more

Today’s guest is James Ward, of Adobe Systems.  James is a technology evangelist on Flex and AIR solutions for Adobe.  We talked about the upcoming Flex 4.0 SDK, Flash Builder (the new name for Flex Builder) and other topics such as remoting, AMF and various implementations of the AMF format. This is a good podcast to listen to if you are interested in the future of Flex, as there are some significant changes and improvements on the horizon. Items of…

TechCast #33 – Peter Muir from JBoss on JSR-299 (JCDI) and the WebBeans RI

JSR-299, the API formerly known as WebBeans, is a Java-based configuration and dependency injection system for the Java EE platform.  In fact, the JSR has been renamed as such with the short name JCDI, and the original title ‘webbeans’ went to the reference implementation, which is being led by my guest, Pete Muir of Redhat/JBoss. Pete and I discuss the JSR, what features it brings to Java EE, where to find information about the specification, and the WebBeans reference implementation….

TechCast #32 – Grails discussion with Brent Baxter and Gordon Dickens

Grails is a convention over configuration web framework, written in the Groovy dynamic language and based on the widely adopted Spring and Hibernate frameworks.  In this TechCast, I sit down with Chariot’s Gordon Dickens and Brent Baxter and discuss the relative merits of developing applications on the platform. We talk about the Groovy language, the productivity of building applications on the Grails platform, available plugins, and overall uses for the platform. Grails Training at Chariot on May 11 We are…

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