
Philly ETE 2022 — Native Desktop Apps in Roc — Richard Feldman

Abstract Roc is a bleeding-edge functional programming language built for user-friendliness and performance. Although the language is not ready for production use yet, it has some exciting proof-of-concept capabilities already, most recently including cross-platform native desktop applications. This talk demonstrates how to create native desktop applications in Roc, which compile to optimized binary executables that render straight to the graphics card; there’s no virtual machine, shrink-wrapped browser, or giant C/C++ framework under the hood here! About Richard Feldman Richard is…

Philly ETE 2022 — Trust Me, You Don’t Need That Component Library — Drew DeCarme

Abstract No one’s going to deny how easy it is to download something off of the npm registry and start to use it right away. However there are issues, as there always are, when you start incorporating scale and complexity into your app. Subscribing to a large, feature-and-dependency-heavy library locks you into conventions that – let’s be honest – probably don’t fit your product’s vision; thus starting the “time of great concession”. I’m going to show you that you don’t…

Philly ETE 2022 — Da Art of (Data) Storytellin: Illustrating My Multi-Device & App Fitness Journey — Courtney Wilburn

Abstract The pandemic has been difficult for many of us. While some folks baked bread and solved puzzles, I decided to re-ignite my love of fitness. In the process, I realized that I had years of fitness data across multiple applications and devices. How could I figure out whether or not I’ve made progress over time? How can I deal with adjusting to my advancing age? In this talk I’ll be speaking to the power of using data to make…

Philly ETE 2022 — Observability and the Glorious Future — Charity Majors

Abstract Our systems are getting astronomically more complex. Modern development paradigms are pushing more and more technical debt into your operational future. In the future we are all distributed systems engineers… but our tools for debugging and understanding them are relics of the more predictable LAMP stack era. What could possibly go wrong? Let’s talk about the many disasters that await and befall us, the ways our tooling and organizational culture need to adapt to keep up, and how instrumentation…

Philly ETE 2022 — The 3 W’s of GraphQL: What, When, and Why — Janessa Garrow & Michael Watson

Abstract You’ve probably heard of GraphQL, but with so many opinions out there on the internet, it can be hard to figure out if it’s worth your time or something you should be using. In this talk, we’ll be discussing what GraphQL is, when are appropriate use cases for it, and why it’s a great tool to use as your application needs grow and scale. Talk Slides About Janessa Garrow Janessa Garrow is a Developer Experience Engineer at Apollo GraphQL….

Philly ETE 2022 — Immutable Data and The Secret Art of Storytelling in Programming — Yehonathan Sharvit

Abstract In this talk, you will learn how to leverage persistent data structures to write code that flows like a story. A special kind of story that unfolds itself at the reader’s will. A story where – at any moment – the reader has a clear indication of what is about to happen and the freedom to choose whether they prefer to deep dive, or move forward. When code flows like a story, it is not only more enjoyable to…

Philly ETE 2022 — Quantum Computing for Hapless Dreamers — Stewart Smith

Abstract Anyone can learn quantum computing! Join Stewart Smith as he describes his open-source passion project “Q.js” and relates some personal stories from his entanglements with the broader quantum community. What exactly is a quantum computer? What’s it good for, anyhow? And how does Quantum JavaScript fit into the picture? While this talk is for anyone curious about quantum computing, it will resonate particularly with coders, high school algebra survivors, and music nerds. Talk Slides Stewart’s website About Stewart Smith…

Philly ETE 2022 — Gamification Without the Garbage: Applying Principles of Game Design to Software — Jessica Kerr

Abstract Points and leaderboards. That’s gamification, right? These are a characteristic of some games. They’re not what matters. The essence of a good game is: matching the player’s abilities to the problems they’re solving. The solutions are within reach, and enough of a challenge that the player reaches a flow state. Can we do that in our teams? Give teams tough problems and abilities to solve them. More than autonomy, more than authority: give them agency. Get the juice of…

Philly ETE 2022 — Leadership of Responsible AI: The Case for Inclusive Tech — Elizabeth Adams

Abstract AI is generating new business opportunities in every industry imaginable, and it will continue to provide ground-breaking solutions to make life safer, and more efficient. While these technology advancements may solve some of the world’s most difficult problems, they also raise concerns about fairness, discrimination, digital injustice, and bias. In this keynote, we will look at case studies where AI is presently posing problems for some communities and vulnerable populations. We’ll also discuss how everyone involved in the AI…

Philly ETE 2022 — Seize the Means of Computation: The Big Tech Disassembly Manual — Cory Doctorow

Abstract 40 years ago, we shot antitrust law in the guts, and we let companies led by mediocre idiots no better than their forebears establish monopolies. These donkeys were able to parlay their monopoly winnings into policies that prevented new technologies from supplanting their own. They got to decide who was allowed to compete with them, and how. Notably, tech giants today are able to wield the law against interoperators: new technologies that plug into their services, systems and platforms….

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