Search results for: angularjs

Swift 4 and PromiseKit

Having spent years in AngularJS, using promises to wrap asynchronous calls became an almost daily occurrence. I loved the way asynchronous code could be quickly and easily encapsulated with a quick promise using the $q library. When I made the jump to iOS and Swift, I was left wondering how I could continue working with … Read More

Streaming Dashboard Optimizes Video on Demand Revenue

Chariot Solutions consultants designed and developed a streaming video dashboard for one of the largest cable providers in the U.S. The dashboard allows the video business unit to see how their video on demand is performing. This application gives the business access to the complete sales data for all on demand titles, what folders they’re … Read More

Single-Page Application (SPA) Day

Learn about Full-Stack JavaScript application development from Chariot Solutions. We’ll show you how to wield frameworks like Angular, React, Express, HAPI, and how to use Node to build, test, and deploy your apps. Still use Java in the Enterprise? No problem! We’ll discuss using Spring Boot as well. We’ll wrap up with a panel discussion and take your questions.

ng-conf 2018 day #1 – The triumph of the enterprise SPA

Ken’s take on ng-conf 2018. Dispatch #1 from the opening day of the conference, where the talks include a keynote on the future of Angular, Schematics and the CLI, Angular Elements, security vulnerabilities, SEO, and the Ivy renderer.

React application state management with Redux

The first in a series of posts about Redux, the de-facto state storage engine for React, and how to integrate it with a React app. In this first article we make a case for Redux over passing props for events and data, and show a simple configuration.