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Three Approaches to Deploying Lambdas

“Traditional” deployment patterns separate the application from its infrastructure. Lambda deployments turn this model on its head, binding the infrastructure tightly to the running code. This can be a challenge, especially when developing in a team: it is all too easy for one developer to accidentally overwrite another’s work. In this post I look at several deployment options, and how they impact a development team.

RDS Database Authentication with Spring Boot: Part 2, IAM Authentication

Frequent database password changes are a best practice, because they reduce the “blast radius” if compromised. However, restarting your applications in order to pick up the latest password can be onerous in a large deployment. This post describes how to implement a custom Postgres datasource that calls on IAM to generate a password whenever your application opens a connection to the database.

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All the AWS CodeBuild You Can Stomach in 45 Minutes

In this 45 minute talk, Ken Rimple gives a quick overview of AWS CodeBuild, then dives into a few of the challenges he’s faced, from dealing with build errors properly, configuring CodeBuild to run inside of AWS, testing locally so you don’t go crazy waiting for 15 minutes each time you deploy a new build, how to properly access your build artifacts and reports, running tools like Cypress, to building and deploying Docker containers to ECS, and more.

AWS: Things I Learned the Hard Way

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a collection of nearly 200 services. They can be intimidating to the newcomer, and offer many opportunities for mistakes: some expensive, some just inconvenient. In this Lunch and Learn, our panel of AWS experts look at some of the mistakes they made, and how these could have been avoided.

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